Chicken Faux Fry

This is our "I want to go out for dinner but can't" meal.

It's funny that the picture has the chicken in strips, because I only did that once or twice. Usually it is chunks. So this recipe stands in for junk food craving of one or two kinds. Most often we have this with Buffalo chicken sauce. We use Franks' Red Hot Wing sauce. It is at the edge of my spice tolerance. Very very good. Or, I put smoked paprika over it as it cooks and we have it plain, or with a honey mustard mix.

Chicken Breasts, skinnless boneless, etc.
Three spoonfulls of flour
Spoonful of baking powder
Scant spoonful of salt
Bloop of vegetable oil
(paprika and pepper)

Heat the vegetable oil in a large nonstick skillet. Spoon the flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl. (Add pepper if you are going to have it without sauce.) Dredge the chicken lightly until it looks like Turkish delight. Spread the dredged chicken around in the pan. Try not to let any loose flour get into the pan. If you are having the chicken without a sauce, dust it now with smoked paprika.
Let it brown and crisp. Flip it over. Stir it now and then until it is golden brown and crispy.

So technically this is pan fried chicken, but there is very little flour and very little oil. It still hits the same happy nerve. The hot sauce version goes ridiculously well with raw celery or green beans, and hard cider or light beer.


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