Buttered Cabbage and Noodles

Seems like we're on a cabbage kick!  I loooove cabbage, and this is one of my favorite things.  It's basically a whole cabbage, egg noodles, and butter mix together into perfection.  It's good right out of the pot, but if you let it sit for a few days in the fridge, it gets even better.  Seriously.

1 bag egg noodles
1 large head of cabbage
a couple of medium onions
butter (enough to saute the cabbage in)
(caraway seeds or dill seeds: optional)
salt and pepper

Boil noodles. Put aside.
Chop onions and cabbage.  Get out the biggest pan/dutch oven/wok/pot you can find and saute the cabbage and onions with your lipid of choice.  If you want, you can throw in some caraway seeds at this point...those are really good.  Season it to taste, mix the whole thing in with the noodles, and enjoy!  Unless you're feeding a lot of people, this makes enough that it might even last you several days without trying.  It gets even more flavorful and...bonded with some time.


Kristen said…
You emailed this to me earlier in the summer. I was meaning to try it as soon as the harvest weather hit, but then I couldn't find it. But here it is!

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